
hopeless wanderer

To cut to the point, I am a hopeless wanderer and always and I mean always have the urge to get up and travel the world.  Last summer I had the most amazing opportunity to travel to Spain as my big hurrah after my high school graduation.  Its an understatement to say that it was the best experience of my life.  (Side note: Every summer for the past five years, my family has hosted foreign exchange students and I have been fortunate enough to become best friends with some students I have meet through the program.)  Paula, a girl we hosted from Spain, along with her older sister Eli and their parents, have become some of my favorite people in the world and I am so fortunate to call them my Spanish family.  Living with them for the summer, I grew to love the Spanish lifestyle, cities and people.  With Paula by my side, I was able to explore Madrid, Barcelona, Las Cerdanyas, Toledo and Segovia, Spain.  For the past year that I have been back in the states, my soul has been constantly aching to go back to what I consider my favorite place in the world... and luckily I will be going back this summer!

Get these looks:

Dress - Free People (exact here) // Bag - Vintage Coach

Cross Button Down - Pull & Bear // Watch - BP Nordstrom // Jewelry - Brandy Melville and a street vendor in Toledo // Polish - KIKO


summertime sadness

Dress - Nordstrom Rack // Hat - American Eagle Outfitters // Shoes (not shown) - Terra Cotta

I think the most important thing right now is that you all know that I wasn't actually sad when I took this picture even though it looks like I'm about to shed a tear or two.  For some reason over the years I've realized the lack of control I have in my face muscles... Baaaasically that means I never really know exactly what my straight face looks like... Whooops!  Anyways, this picture of my false sadness is actually kind of relevant because for the past two weeks I've had Lana Del Rey's song Summertime Sadness stuck in my head.... and its Summertime and I look really sad in this picture.  It definitely wasn't intentional, but I think my current obsession with the song inspired this all black look.  Below is my favorite version of the song...


meet katie

So since I've moved to school, I've met a lot of awesome people who are doing great and creative things with their lives.  Like me, a bunch of them have blogs and are trying to get their names out there in the world and as a fashion marketing student I know networking is a big part of being in this or any art industry.  In light of that, I wanted to share with you a friend of mine from school that I simply adore!  I asked her a few questions so we could all get to know her a little, soooo meet Katie!

CLICK THROUGH to see my interview with Katie


a letter to my readers

Hello to all of my lovely readers out there in the world!  I am so excited that you are here, right now, reading my blog.  If you've been reading since day one (way back in 2009) when it was me and Katie in our awkward stages of Freshman year of high school or if you randomly found my blog today, I am so glad that you have stumbled upon my site and are interested in what I have to say.  As you know, over these past four years, Legit Fashion has gone through just about everything from starting as two girls working together to just being me.  I have had so many ideas about how I want this blog to look like and how I want it to feel, but as you all should know my now by simply reading one post of mine... I am so busy and literally never post regularly.  From the bottom of my heart, I just wanted to say thank you for sticking through with me and staying loyal.

As you can tell by my last two posts, I had this great idea of organizing my blog in a certain fashion but since I've posted them I had an epiphany.  Now, when I tell you, you're probably going to roll your eyes and think "no duh, Car" but here it goes... After much though and business, I have realized that my blog does not have to be organized or only have certain types of posts, or follow any style of any other blogger out there in the big, bad blogging world.  From now on, my posts are just going to be what they are.  Anything from what I wore out one night, what I made for dinner or a weekend away with friends... this blog is going to document my life like any blog should.  Of course, with a focus on fashion!

Finally, I have another think I would like to talk about.  Legit Fashion.  This good ol' name has been with me since 2009 when me and Katie would do photo shoots in our favorite outfits everyday after school.... since then a lot has changed (like I've probably said 5 million times!) and even though I have already tried to change the name of the blog once, I am doing it again.  Before LIFEstyled seemed way to forced to me, but this new name I have come up with is exactly what I want it to be.  So after many years of being a great companion to me, and something people know to be apart of me... its time to say good-bye to Legit Fashion and hello to LAV.

LAV?  Okay, now you're like, "this girl is crazy, what is she doing....??" Let me explain... LAV is the combination for Los Angeles and Savannah.  Since I consider both my home and I spend my time there almost equally throughout the year, the name fits perfectly.  LAV will not only continue to document my love for fashion and styled living, but like I mentioned before, it will simply document me.... exactly what a blog should do.

So please, continue to join me as I share with you my life... in both Los Angeles and Savannah.  I love you all to the moon and back... I wouldn't be where I am today without any of you!

Lots of love,


renovation // 1

So y'all, yet another trial run posts about the new look around here!  I'd still love to hear what you think so feel free to leave a comment below.  These posts called "renovation" are all about my inspiration for my room at my parent's house in LA and my house in Savannah.  From photos of rooms that I feel totally inspired by, to individual piece of furniture or accessories, this little category is all about my ideal living space.  Eventually I will include photographs of my actual rooms but you'll just have to wait!

If you can't tell from my Pinterest, I am seriously more than "quite obsessed" with living spaces right now.  Maybe it's because I'm in the process of moving into a new place or maybe I'm just a little weird, but I have been feeling so inspired by home decorating.  Like, it is actually a little weird.... But anyways right now, just like my style tastes, I am loving white.  Anything and everything white with lots of pops of vibrant colors... pinks, turquoise, yellow, orangey red, black... 

In addition to white + pops of color, I've been really drawn to industrial, wire chairs and accessories.  I'm not sure why, but every wire chair I see-- I want!  I think they are so fun and different but totally versatile, that like I need one!  I also love them because in like five years when I'm tired of a certain color or are in the process of redecorating, it will really easy to spray paint the chair the new color since the actual chair structure is versatile (like I already said!)

Even though the chairs already kind of fall into this category, I'm also really obsessed with eclectic decor.  I'm loving the look everything-goes-but-like-it-doesn't.  Am I making sense?  I'm the kind of person who goes to the store and likes certain pieces individually and creates my own look out of all the individual pieces.  Since I am, in fact, the same person every time I get new things, they all kind of go to together, but each is a little different.  Like in the picture on the right, above, there are cute little antique glass vases but then there is like a super cool, vibrate rug.  True the rug gives off the antique vibe, but I could totally see it in a modern home as well.

I hope you're liking my new way to doing the blog.  Seriously, I'd love to hear feedback-- facebook, twitter, comments-- I really love hearing from y'all.

Happy Tuesday!