

stripes.  there are so, so many bad things people say about stripes.  but to be honest, they're actually not that bad and are coming back in style. all the matters is the way you wear them.  it is true that stripes make you look wider but the size and fit matter.  if you're really thin and lengthy, you can pretty much get away with any stripe you want and they can even give you a little curve.  but if your like us and do have some curves then its really important that you pay attention to the size and the style/fit of the clothing that the stripes are on.  first off, like all patterned clothes, make sure that the stripes are proportionate to your size. secondly, try to stick to a stripe with only two colors, unless its yellow and black, buzzz! (that crazy ten color rainbow nonesense makes you look like a clown, like come on now.) and finally, don't go over the top. too much stripe can be fashion suicide.  you don't want to look like you just came out of prision, that would be bad!

photos taken by: Rachel Artime
model: Caroline Artime
style: french, classic, edgy, sweet

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